Documents Required
What kind of Legal assistance is provided?
The legal assistance requirements of the beneficiaries shall be met through the District Legal Services Authority(DLSA). In case such assistance is not available from DLSA, the implementing organization will arrange alternative suitable legal assistance.
What is meant by Vocational Training as a service?
Arrangement would be made by the implementing organization for providing vocational training to the women through the Vocational Training Institutes recognized by Directorate General of Employment and Training under the Ministry of Labour and Employment
What kind of Medical Facilities is provided as a service?
Health Check up and medical facilities will be tied up with local civil hospital/CHC/PHC. However, implementing organization shall engage a part time doctor for Swadhar Greh who should visit the shelter home at least once in a week to ensure general health of the inmates
What is the meaning of Counselling Facility?
The staff proposed under Swadhar Greh scheme will provide the telephonic counseling to the needy women
Is there any application process?
No. The entire application process is easy, Just call the nearest Swadhar Greh.
I dont know, where is the Swadhar Greh are?
Use the Swadhar Map to identify the nearest center.